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Besides Sangha Services, Ravi and Cristina dedicate their time to a social project in the city of Varanasi. The NGO Swawalambi.


Cristina is vice president of Swawalambi Spain, and Ravi is secretary and manager of Swawalambi Society in India.














                  Cristina Iglesias, Iván Hermés and Vicenta Ndongo                                                              Ravi Dubey

                             Founders of Swawalambi Spain                                                                 Secretary of Swawalambi Society India



The Ngo´s goal is to help families or people from the city of Varanasi to become self- dependent, bringing those tools to improve their future and their descendants’ future. In a case by case attention, each person receives the help they need to start their own project to become self-sufficient.


Swawalambi has started working in May 2015, and with the help of the donors and members is willing to help many people in India.






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